Blockchain is the technology that creates and stores cryptocurrency. It is a type of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) that uses cryptography to make it difficult for malicious users to influence results in their favour.
Cryptography is the application of hiding information. It aims to keep information confidential and secure. Typical use cases include:
Bank cards - encryption makes it impossible to access bank card details without the corresponding encryption key required for merchants to conduct transactions. The methods used to encrypt bank cards include PIN numbers, magnetic strips and a CVV.
Computer passwords - encryption makes your passwords unreadable to hackers.
Internet shopping - encryption means that your personal data supplied when shopping over the internet is protected from unwanted individuals.
The blockchain is decentralised, meaning it has no central authority like a central bank or government. It displays an unchangeable, immutable record of transactions across a public or private peer-to-peer network, which is accessible to all at all times.
The hype surrounding the meteoric rise in cryptocurrency prices has recently introduced people to the term 'blockchain’. But aside from being the backbone of cryptocurrency, blockchain technology has many use cases that could improve our day-to-day lives.
PWC’s Time for trust: The trillion-dollar reasons to rethink blockchain report (2020) estimates that blockchain technology could increase global gross domestic product (GDP) by $1.76 trillion (1.4% of GDP) by 2030.
Blockchain technology can undoubtedly improve our lives in the years and decades to come. However, it is important to remember that just because cryptocurrency’s underlying technology will be helpful in years to come does not necessarily mean that any given cryptocurrency is ‘the future’.
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